Well, its been about 4 years that I've been working at Honda of
Serramonte. Quite a few
techs have come and gone during that time. Eventually something new comes along for better or worse and now it is
Vihn's time. Working under his wing for the last 3 years has been
definitely benefited me in more ways that one. I will miss Vinny's Monster Garage, hand made spring rolls and HALO!!!!
haha. It saddens me to see him go, but the move to LA will be in the best interest of him and his family. So, as a
farewell to
Vihn all of us techs who have worked together for years took one night out to have some fun, and since I don't usually drink I got buzzed off of 2 shots of
LOL so sad but whatever we all had fun!! Enjoy guys....

Well, I never thought the day would come when you would actually sell your house. I never thought it would happen so quickly. I am definitely not ready to see you go, I feel like there is still so much I have to learn from you. Even though that may not be the case. It seems like the last 4 years has just gone by in an instant. I will miss you greatly buddy. You taught me everything I would need to know to stand on my own two feet and then some at Honda and in life.
Haha, you even taught me dirty words in Vietnamese. I hope that your next apprentice appreciates you as much as I do. Please care of him or her the same you did for me. There's nothing that will ever replace everything I've taken from you. One day I will hopefully be able to repay the deed. Take good care of Kelly, Samantha and
Madison down there, even though I know times will be a little rough at first. I will miss them very much as well. When times are right I will surely be down there to visit and you will DEFINITELY have to show me the food spots down there. Take care buddy.
- Mike Formosa
P.S. I'm
SOOOO sealing your stall!!!!!!
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