I have been effin' busy lately and so much has happened in the last few weeks it's almost retarded. To start things off I must say that having anxiety is the gayest thing on earth. It really puts a damper on completing daily tasks and it leaves you exhausted and depressed. Well its that time of year again for finals and the anxiety thing has really made it hard to study and complete the last final course work to be done. Last weekend was interesting since it was my bday. I finally went out JUST TO GO OUT!!! haha... That's unheard of. Went to Boss and Heights, Boss was an ok party with a few good tunes here and there. Heights was ok not many people but all my friends were there which made it fun even though the music was wack.
Larry Larry Laryy Moore.....my friend you made a friggin mess in the club, the clubs bathroom, Claud's car, my bathroom and ON YOURSELF....on MY birthday!!!! hahaha its all good though I took care of your ass and made sure u didn't die in your sleep. It was wack as shit I had to wake up at 930 to go paint a damn porch at the rental house in the blistering heat. Owell life sucks sometimes.
A few other random things happened and here's where the pictures roll in. First of I had the pleasure of going to dinner with my aunt that I don't get to see too often. We conversed about school and stress eventually moving onto the stock market and retirement plans. Love you auntie!! Here's a pic of my Veal Saltimbocca from West Coast Cafe on San Mateo Ave. in San Bruno.

This happens to be one of my sisters creations. Its a part of her final senior exit project. Shes a pretty bad ass cake maker I must say. Sometimes i cant believe the shit she whips up!!!

These cupcakes are courtesy of the Claudmonster!!! hehehe she made me a bday cake!!! can you guess what it is??? .................no???........................its a CAMERA!!!! hahaha took me awhile to figure it out but its alll good. =)

The cake came with its own little froggy!!!!! frogs and the color green are my fav. don't hate!!LOL

Random photo of my pops just chillin on the couch on my bday. Iono why I took or posted this pic. lol chillllllllinnnnnnnn........thats what imma be doin this summer....LOL

Ahhhhh and finally this was tonight's dinner since my parents went to the Jimmy Buffet concert. The highly marketed BreadBowl Pasta!!! don't worry folks its not all its cracked up to be. It looks a lot better than it tastes.....I don't recommend trying it....FTL