Father's day dinner was at my grandparents place this year and of course we had a craaaaaaackin meal and my family bs'ed about everything possible. The highlight of the night however was my cousin's wedding dress that she bought for super cheap on craigslist! To bad my cousin Fia was the only one who can fit in it so these are some pix to help my cuzo re-sell the dress. If anyone is interested message me or leave a comment. K thanks, Enjoy!!! =)
A few weeks ago my dad noticed that every time you walk to the front door at our house a bird would come tearing outta the bush/tree near the walkway. It would fly to a near by tree and wait until you're gone then return to the bush. No one thought anything of it until my dad looked in the bush after about a week or two and found a little nest with about a half dozen eggs in it!!!! The little hatched chicks were so cute!! But, sadly they got eaten 3 days after hatching. =( We think a crow or cat got to them. Poor lil buggers, they were so cute!! Enjoy folks!!
Today was a fairly productive day. I woke up and went to work for a good 6 hour shift and made the best of the 2 cars that I worked on. Other than that it has been ridiculously slow in the automotive industry. After work I made my way down to Bronstine's where they actually had the jazz guitar book in stock!! Stupid Guitar Center is lame-o and doesn't carry the Micky Baker book. As my last stop before heading home I went to my Grandma's sisters house. Now I'm not quite sure what to call her other than LaLa because ever since I was a little rascal that's what I called her. Would she be called a Grandmother-in-law? LOL if someone could help me out on that, that would be awesome. Anyway here are some random pix from out in front of my house. We've been having alot of birds in the neighborhood and they're cute little buggers. Enjoy!!! =)
ohhhhhh my pops....... hahahaha some random tree sap...
Kudos to SmugMug for sending me a FREEEEEEE 99 super slick neckstrap. It currently resides on the film cam so it stays in nicer condition.
I have been super busy lately with all the shooting for clubs, finals and projects. I haven't had much time for anything else, nor have I had the energy for much else. =\ On the up side my sister is graduating from high school finally and she's going off to SJSU, where I'm sure she'll do great. At least she's all situated with housing and everything, I have yet to find a place in Davis yet. Owell things will work themselves out.
A while back Claud and I went to the Academy of Sciences to fulfill a class extra credit requirement. I have to say that the new building is awesome!!! It was everything I had expected and more. I'll end here and leave you with some pix. Sorry for not having edited anything lately I haven't had the luxury of time to do much editing. So these are straight outta the cam =\ Enjoy!!!