I was extremely bored a few nights ago, before i got swamped with a buttload of journalism homework. I also felt that my 50mm lense was feeling neglected, it tends to sit all by its lonesome in my camera bag. Well here he is about 6 months later, Claudia bought him for me for my birthday and he has been sitting in my excalibur souvenire cup for most of thoes 6months. One of these days i will catch him in flight but theres no one to make him fly....hahaha SUPER MONKEY!!!!!!
go do ur hw!! XD
an era of turmoil has ENDED with our country's new leader. if you're looking for a country filled with chaos and lack of order then i'm sure you voted for McCain (aka: bush #2) a time for change has come for America, and Obama is our answer. republicans are FTMFL. OBAMA IS FTMFW.
so you can go ahead and suck on that.
clinton's time in office proved otherwise, and both bush terms further tells me republicans are not the way to go for middle class citizens. and seeing as how i fall into that class, i'm full on democratic.
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