Exif Data for the rose:
Model: Canon EOS Rebel XT
Exposure Program: "close up mode"
Shutter Speed: 1/60
F/stop: 5.6
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 55mm (35mm equivalent: 90mm)

Here is a shot of the camera. I did use the flash and diffuser that are mounted on it. but you could achieve the same softness using a "puffer" diffuser and the pop up flash on the camera. So the camera minus the flash and lightsphere there is what I would be offering you.
Exif data for camera studio shot:
Model: Canon EOS 30D
Exposure Program: "Aperture Priority Mode"
Shutter Speed: 1/60
F/stop: 5.6
ISO: 640
Focal Length: 24mm (35mm equivalent: 38mm)

And hers a little tid bit of info. i did not use ANY flash for this shot of the camera!!! and here's a little bit of how I lit the camera for the shot.
1 desk lamp
1 pillow case taped up
1 reflector (20 bucks at calumet) .......a sheet of white paper or foil can do the same thing ;)

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