Long ass day today. School then work then a meeting til 1130. Man I'm DONE!!! Well I'm finally gonna put a website together with the help of an old high school buddy, Spencer Tai. The URL in the end will be www.FormosaFotos.com if it is still available when i go to buy it. It will be a blogger style site with a smugmug account. That is the cheapest way to go since im going to start with the basic account. If I need more out of smugmug I can always upgade later. Im planing on keeping this blog separate from the website since it will be mainly for industry use, photoshoots and an online portfolio (possibly). I may use FlickR for that instead. If anyone has any suggestions for me...they are much appreciated!!! just comment at the end of the blog with them ( i made it so anyone can comment :P)!!!
heres a few pix from dinner at Nick's resturant for Clauds birthday. Enjoy!!!

Calamari.....hella bomb....

Seafood pasta with SPICY red sauce.......HELLLLLLAAAAA PIMP!!!!

Yummm coldstones.....im a fatass!!! :D
ice creams sounds hella bomb darn you and your pictures of food mike haha
ice creams sounds hella bomb darn you and your pictures of food mike haha
its goprocamera.com
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