So today has been a pretty long day because earlier this morning I was franticaly tyring to put together all my photo projects to find out that i still have 3 more weeks to do it. =\ at any rate I'm off to my guitar class right now.
On a quick note I was paroosing through pictures on and found this picture.....HOLY CRAP THAT FLY IS TAKING A CRAP!!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAOOOOOOO!!!! =D
This has been a rough week and a half for me. I found out that I have been driving myself so hard with school, work and all the club crap that I ended up having a panic attack. Since I didn't really know what anxiety really was or how it affects one, the whole episode send me for a ride on the loopy train. lol. After seeing doctors and psychiatrists for the last couple weeks everything is starting to return back to normal. Right now I'm gonna chill on the clubbing so I may not be around as much until summer rolls around.
For one of my final projects in photo class we were given a task to create a propaganda photo conveying any idea you saw fit. I felt that juggling 5 classes on an extremely odd schedule that its very spread out is a major stress factor in my life. Along side with the added stress that it is my last semester at skyline before i transfer off to UCD. I hope this propagandistic piece conveys my message. Enjoy folks.
Last Sunday me and Claud went on a little downtown outing. Before we began on our journey I was dying of hunger since I had only eaten an omelet at like 9am. I decided to try out the new 4 dollar torpedo that Quizno's has been advertising. I have to say that it was pretty bomb and I think I'll go get another one later this week. HI KATHY cheese tits....LOL....
Well here are some photos of the scrumtious sub.....or.... torp....LOL!!!
caught!!! bein a fatass strange..........i look alien..... mmmmmm orgazmicaly goooooooooood!!!!! Claud snipered an ASS shot when this chick wasnt looking. I must say well done!!! on both parties!!! =D
The opening day for baseball season was on April 7 for the year 2009. It was supposed to rain that day but we were blessed with a nice overcast with a few sunny spots here and there. Pops took me to the game and the stadium was PACKED!!! It was a pretty chill game the Giants were leading the score board throughout the game ending in a win. The club level seats we were in were pretty close to the home plate. Midway in the game I snuck down to the first row where there was an older guy who said he was leaving soon and I could have his ticket so I could stay in his seat to take some pix. I dont know who he was but major props to him!!! heres some photos from the game. Enjoy!!! =D
Highfive after home run.... wowwwwwzzzzaaaaaaa!!!! 400mm @ 2.8f....not to mention the 1Ds attatched to it... (buy me one!!! =D) Caught!!!!!!!! LOL My Pops =) P-A-C-K-E-D!!!!!! Popcorn anyone? Thas a Sh*t load of cotton candy!!! High ball!!! Lou Seal: Random guy in orange?
Lately I have been extraordinarily busy with photoshoots, night clubs, and Ray's wedding. I really haven't had much time for myself except for the time in between post processing that I use to check the various accounts. Myspace, Facebook and ModelMayhem being the main ones I wast my life with. School seems like it will never end and I'm so close to transferring I can taste it!!! I'm really excited to not be at Skyline next semester but I fear for the amount of studying that I'll have to do after I transfer. Teresa I know your reading're the best. Thanks for being the awesome crazy ass Korean person you are. Moving on... I've had a bunch of sets of pictures that have been building up on my desktop and I decided that i should just clean things up and post them all at once because the clutter is irking me. Off the top of my head I think there are 4 or 5 sets and ill just give you a brief tid bit about each.
Set 1: McD's
This tends to be the type of food i eat before an event because I'm so pressed for time between work, guest list and the actual event. FML Imma be a fat ass REAL soon....if not already... -___-
Set 2: Ben n Jerry's in Davis
Before returning to SF one day Claud and I decided that we were gonna grab some B&J's because she had a coupon for a FREEEEE small cone. I was all over like a fat kid on cake!!! hahaha. There was this cute little kid in a stroller that couldn't stop staring at me and ended up crying after I snapped the pic. I felt hella bad. Check out that sweater on the one little girl....LMAOOO it was hella funny and cute. The sweater is about 10x too big for her.
Set 3: Francis
he's a homo and was amazed at what ISO 3200 and IS can do....
Set 4: Fire House Museum in SF
I believe this is located on Presidio Ave. right off of Geary. This place was AWESOME!!! There was SOOOO much history crammed into this one little tiny garage. If i had a notebook at the time I would have took some notes down to put on here but i didn't know it was gonna be so interesting. The have the different fire trucks that date way way back to the horse drawn days and manual pumping days. There are pieces of fused plates and metal that show what the super hot flames can do to our possessions. They also have the old leather fire helmets and suits that were used before the modern equipment of today. If anyone is interested it is DEFINITELY worth checking out.
Set 5: Pacifica Run
I took a stroll down to Rockaway beach one day right after some big storms because the sky was absolutely beautiful and the sunset was indescribable. There was a little pug dog or something running around that was too cute. Of course he got
Set 6: Star Fruit
To start off those noodles and the pork bun were my lunch for that day. Claud's mom brought home that starfruit looking thing down there one day and I said to myself..."WTF is that thing??!!!" Apparently it is something that you can only get at certain times at certain Chinese markets. I walked up and down Noriega with Teresa one day in attempts to find another one because I didn't get to try the first one. Needless to say my ghetto "chinglish" left me empty handed. BUT ISN'T THAT THE COOLEST CRAZIEST LOOKING FRUIT EVER???????????
Set 7: Yerba Buena Garden
One day Claud and I decided to take a trip to the Cartoon Art Museum. They did not allow cameras inside so i have no pictures from there. It was on mission and 2nd st. I believe. That place was a trip. They have all these old drawings and gels from old cartoons. It was pretty neat and we got in for free so no complaints. Worth a trip down there if your in the area. After we walked to Yerba Buena Gardens where I took some pix of random people and i chased a humming bird around until I got ONE decent photo of it..... it took FOREVER!!
Set 8: Waiting for Cryssa
Teresa came along to the shoot I did with Cryssa. I was bored so I pulled out the cam. TK thought she was looking like a dirty wreck so naturally i pushed the camera in her face to irritate her =). We stopped by the 711 while we waited because TK was thirsty and I found a wall-O-cup-O-noodles....mmmmmmm.....MSG!!!
Set 9: Waiting for Ktina
I got bored while i waited on location for Ktina. Rockaway beach in Pacifica has some pretty interesting little birds that eat stuff out of sand that washes up on the beach. Not sure what they're called or what they were eating but they were fun to watch. After I was done with the shoot there was this CRAZZZZZYYYY sunset that like split the sun into 3 pieces. Not to sure how that happens, probly has to do with light refraction or something. Whatever it was made for a bomb ass picture.
Thats the End of my incredibly long 41 picture update. I hope you enjoyed it!! Thanks for reading!!! =)