It has been such a busy semester that I have no idea where all the time is going. I finally got accepted to UCD and UCSC and I'm still waiting on confirmation from UCI and UCSD. Since UCD is so close to home I'll probly go there. It is also the cheapest place to live out of the 4 UC's I applied to. Durring my Econ. class today I started rethinking about majoring in it. I'm starting to doubt that I'm cut out for it. =\ This semester has been so busy that my room is so much like a pig sty that it's embarassing to bring ANYONE in here. LOL I hope I'll be able to get all my shit straight before I leave for a UC. I need to clear up my debt so that I'm not as stressed about working rather than going to class. From here I shall leave you with some pictures from preasent and past. ENJOY!!!! =D
This was my dinner at 2am.....yummmmm

The 3rd post i ever made back in May 08 was my first attempt in making a circular background. here are my improvements!!! They've come a LONGGGGGG way since the very first one. =D

A while back Claudia and I tried this resrurant that was supposed to be "Soul Food" however it was just BBQ burgers and buffalo wings. LOL the food was definetly good but way over priced and not very filling. This place was called Broken Record and it was on Geneva and Mission (kinda) its a few blocks twoard the cow palace on Geneva.
First pic is my first stiched pano.....its distorted but it shows the whole menu!!! haha owell

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