Well it's that time of year again. CHRISTMAS!!!! I've been out here in Sioux City, South Dakota for the last week or so visiting my mom and this side of the family for the holidays. The days have been long and restless but relaxing at the same time. I'm defiantly taking advantage of this brief vacation before school starts back up again. Once it does I'll be MIA until the next break we have. Last week, Glaskat and Mission rock presented a very interesting turn of events for me. I hope it turns out for the better. I'm just not so sure it can be done. Why? Why? WHY? didnt I follow my instincts in the first place? Sorry for the ambiguity, but I feel like a silly fool. =\ At any rate here are some pictures I took of Pepsi, my families little 10ish yr old doggy. She has not left my side since I've arrived in South Dakota. She sleeps at my side every night and keeps me warm in this superrrrrr cold weather. I had heard that in the last few days there's been 21" of snowfall. Which all had to be cleared from the driveway. -____-
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